OpenLayers 2.6 Released
In the ohboy-ohboy-ohboy department, OpenLayers 2.6 has been released.
OpenLayers is a great open source (BSD) JavaScript mapping library used by a lot of projects, including Geospatial Portal. It’s like the Swiss Army Knife of JavaScript mapping libraries, including rendering of just about anything you can think of (raster, vector, WMS, WFS, KML, GML, GeoRSS, GeoJSON, Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Virtual Earth, and many more), all of your standard pan/zoom/layer control features, WFS feature editing, markers, popups, drawing features…..the list goes on and on.
What’s new in this release?
- Resolved 294 bug tickets.
- Better looking, Google-ish popups.
- Improved panning on commercial data providers (Google, Yahoo, etc.).
- Animated panning and zooming image transitions on the map.
- Client-side reprojection support (proj4js library for things other than spherical mercator).
- Improved styling, including SLD support for vector services.
- Improvements to KML, GML, and GeoRSS support.
- New ScaleLine Control for a scale bar.
- Navigation History control for map history navigation.
- And more!
Congratulations to the OpenLayers folks on another great build! When I get Geospatial Portal tweaked out with the new library I’ll post a new build on the project page.