A Couple of Cool Canvas Demos

Canvas is a HTML5 element that allows for 2D shape and bitmap drawing and animation. I haven’t done anything with canvas yet (at least not anything useful), but I’ve been keeping an eye on it. Here are a couple of cool d


My Empire for a Green Checkmark

Dang it Esri. With the backward-compatible direct connection extensions for 9.x I really thought you’d seen the light on this.


Make Smarter - Khan Academy, OpenHatch, Yahoo Style Guide

First up in this month’s Maker Smarter is a Google Tech Talk on OpenHatch. If you have ever wanted to get involved in open source software, OpenHatch is a great way to start. An open source volunteer finder, it makes it


Google Maps Slider

I have always been fascinated by things I suck at, and design is way up on my suck list. I’ve become much better over time, but boasting about that would be like boasting about progressing to a cushier level of Dante’s E


So Long Web ADF, We Hardly Liked....er, Knew Ye

Ah, another year sans ESRI UC. Fortunately there are so many live-blogging-twitteratti there that the only thing I feel I’m missing out on is San Diego’s distinct lack of soul-crushing humidity. I came across Dave Bouwma


Free Software Hulk-Smashes Traffic Spike

When I did my periodic glance at Google Analytics for GeoPortal, I was not expecting that. Traffic to that site is generally a predictable sine wave, slightly swelling during the week and slighting receeding on the week


Active Directory Authentication in MediaWiki

This is a bit random, but since it took me an embarrassing number of attempts to get this to work I thought I’d post a quick how-to on getting MediaWiki to authenticate to Microsoft Active Directory. First you’ll need to


News Roundup - Bilski, Google Phases Out Windows (Maybe), GeoData.gov

First up in this month’s news roundup is the Supreme Court’s decision on Bilski. The SC took its traditional narrow ruling approach (i.e. “punt”), invalidating Bilski’s patent but not invalidating software patents in gen


Python Script to Monitor Shapefiles

In an ideal world, the primary, most up to date spatial layers are accessed and maintained on an enterprise spatial database. Here on the little blue planet, a lot of folks still like to edit and access data as shapefile


Apple: All Your Location Are Belong to US

I ran across this creepy bit of news on Slashdot this morning: In an updated version of its privacy policy, the company added a paragraph noting that once users agree, Apple and unspecified 'partners and licensees' may c