Google Earth Helps Find New Member of Our Family Tree

Via Slashdot (and numerous other places), a group of researchers using Google Earth to spot good hunting sites for fossils found parts of two skeletons that “fill an important gap between older hominids and the group of


Quake II Running in HTML5

Check this out. That’s Quake II running in HTML5 with WebGL, Canvas, and JavaScript. No Silverlight, no Flash, 20-60fps depending on the horsepower of the machine. They are having some licensing issues with sharing the


News Roundup - ESRI Dev Summit, Google Earth Solves a Murder, and Portal 2

First up this month is the news trickling out from the ESRI Dev Summit. Ah, Palm Springs. I haven’t been there in so long it might not be a desert anymore. But I digress. There were any number of great summaries out ther


GeoPortal Template and Projects Moved to Google Code

jQuery UI 1.8 was released last week, and I took that opportunity to give the GeoPortal project a kick in the nethers. To paraphrase Jeff Atwood‘s sentiment, the worst code I’ve ever seen is the code I wrote six months a


Google Releases Elevation Web Service

Wow. Just…wow. Google has released an elevation web service and ElevationService for Maps API v3. Basically you can send it a latlon or a series of latlon’s and it’ll give you the elevations. Or you can send it a path an


Internet Explorer 9 Previewed at MIX10

Microsoft has given us another sneak peak at Internet Explorer 9 at their MIX10 web designer and developer conference. Among the highlights (sources: Ars, Download Squad): Better standards support, with a ACID 3 sco


Make Smarter - Guide to Nonprofit GIS, Security Tips, SOA Best Practices

First up in this month’s make smarter comes via SlashGeo and is maptogether’s Illustrated Guide to Nonprofit GIS and Online Mapping. This well written and illustrated document covers the basics of GIS, some examples of n


TED Talk: Tim Berners-Lee

Tim Berners-Lee (yes, that Tim Berners-Lee) gave a great TED Talk called The Year Open Data Went Worldwide. And it’s all about maps. OpenStreetMap gets a special mention.


Using GeoServer, Openlayers, and CQL Filters

I received a request this week to put Census Questionnaire Centers (QAC) on a web app ASAP. In case you don’t follow the Census’ every move: Questionnaire Assistance Centers (QACs) are spaces, donated by community partne


Google Adds Photos to Street View, Nearby to Search

Well, that didn’t take long. Google has added photos from Flickr, Panoramio and Picasa to Street View. One had to figure this was coming, given the fanfare around Bing’s recent addition of Flickr photos. Check out this h