New Location Based Services from Google

Via OSnews, Google has announced a couple of new LBS offerings. The first, Google Goggles, is for Android, and will search for and label things as you point your phone camera at them, including landmarks and stores. Alas


Law Enforcement Requested GPS Information 8 Million Times...

… a year. From one company. Via Slashdot, between September 2008 and October 2009 law enforcement agencies requested GPS data on citizens from Sprint Nextel a stunning 8 million times. Who needs a warrant to attach a


News Roundup - 3D Modeling, Ghost Towns, Linux Netbooks

What follows is notable news and happenings that I want to purge from my bookmarks folder. It will be a combination of things you already know spiced with things you probably won’t care about. I apologize in advance. As


I Still Don't Get Chrome OS

In general I’m a big fan of the fine folks at Google. You’ll rip Gmail and Google Docs and Google Reader and Google Chrome and Google Voice and a bunch of other Google stuff from my cold dead hands. But I just don’t get


Performance, Rendering Improvements Coming in IE9

With IE’s market share continuing its decline, Microsoft is working overtime to catch up to the current generation of browsers. If everything Microsoft showed with IE9 at their Professional Developers Conference comes to


Make Smarter - FOSS4G, FOSSCasts, and Beautiful HTML

First up in the maker smarter category this month has to be FOSS4G. One of these days I’ll get there in person, but in the mean time this conference is always very good about putting presentation and workshop materials o


Apache mod_fcgid and PHP on Windows

I’ve run PHP on Windows in every way imaginable. I’ve run it through IIS and Apache. I’ve run it as SAPI, CGI, FastCGI. Heck, I’ve run it from the command line to automate tasks (during my pre-Python days). But I hadn’t


For Ubuntu EEE Users - Patched eee-control Available

Just in case anyone else openly wept when they discovered the eee-control wasn’t working with Ubuntu Karmic on their EEE netbook, some kind soul has released a patched 0.9.4 version that works like a top. Once I installe


Learned Helplessness


News Roundup - Google, Google, and More Google

What follows is notable news and happenings that I want to purge from my bookmarks folder. It will be a combination of things you already know spiced with things you probably won’t care about. I apologize in advance. Goo