jQuery Tools - A Cool New UI Library for jQuery

When I have to do JavaScript programming for a web site, the first thing I do is drop in a reference to jQuery on Google’s CDN. I can’t imagine doing any non-trivial JavaScript work without jQuery. jQuery is: ...a fast a


The Big Board Goes Open Source

The Big Board, a real-time collaborative mapping environment focusing on emergency response by Renaissance Computing Institute, has been released as an open source project. The Big Board from Renaissaince Computing Inst


News Roundup - August 2009

What follows is notable news and happenings that I want to purge from my bookmarks folder. It will be a combination of things you already know spiced with things you probably won’t care about. I apologize in advance. GIS


The Science of Motivation

Of the 30 odd feeds I have at any given time in Miro (if it wouldn’t cause domestic issues I would dump TV in a heartbeat), TED Talks are always among my favorite. This one is a bit off the beaten path for this blog, but


Google Builds JavaScript SVG Library for IE

From Slashdot, in the making-IE-suck-less department, there’s a project up on Google Code called svgweb that will add SVG support to browsers that don’t have it baked in. Which is the long hand way of saying it fixes Int


Microsoft Pans IE6

From ComputerWorld: Friends don't let friends use IE6. - Amy Bazdukas, Microsoft Internet Explorer General Manager. She does give businesses some cover, saying because some companies are big stupid heads and built appli


Make Smarter - OSCON, OpenGeo, Graphics, and More

The O’Reilly Open Source Convention was held in San Jose last month, and a lot of the presentation materials, as well as some videos, can be found online. A couple that might be of particular interest: How Greet Is


ArcGIS Explorer Build 900 Released

ESRI has just released the much anticipated ArcGIS Explorer 900 build. This is the build people have been talking about for a while, introducing such features as: New ribbon UI ala MS Office Greatly improved sup


The Disaster that is the US Patent/Copyright System

I think the first comment thread on Reddit sums it up nicely.


Ode to the Free Computer Tech

People come in two varieties - those computer savvy individuals who provide free tech support for their friends and family, and the people who rely on a computer savvy individual for free tech support. All other disting