ArcGIS 9.3 SP1 is Out

From the bug-squashing department, ArcGIS 9.3 SP1 is out. Everybody probably knows about this already (it seems like every other entry in Google Reader is assaulting me with this news the last few days), but one does not


Use Amahi for NAS/GIS on Steroids

Lately I’ve been in the market for….something. Mostly backups. Which to me means either a NAS or an offsite storage solution, like S3 or Dropbox (also kind of S3). Right now I handle backups via rsync to a drive sitting


Releases Galore

There are so many new FOSS software releases lately, I thought I’d hit on a few:The previously mentioned OpenLayers 2.7.Ubuntu 8.10 should be out by the end of the month. As I do every year, I promised myself to wait for


SugarTrip - Social Traffic Mapping for Google Android

I’m not really an iPhone person. I have nothing against Apple per se - they make well engineered, aesthetically pleasing, and very functional hardware and software. I’m a technology guy, though, and I like to futz with t


Blog Action Day 2008 - Poverty

I just stumbled across Blog Action Day, which their site describes as:Blog Action Day is an annual nonprofit event that aims to unite theworld’s bloggers, podcasters and videocasters, to post about the sameissue on the s


Mozilla Geode Spatially Enables Your Browser

Recently there have been a string of live geolocation services that have popped up, including Fire Eagle and the Google Gears Geolocation API. Now Mozilla is jumping into the ring with Geode. The W3C has created a draft


GISVM - A Virtual Machine for Desktop GIS

I ran into this on the NC GIS mailing list (thanks Julia!). GISVM is a virtual machine for GIS, including a lot of great open source software: PostgreSQL, PostGIS, GeoServer, Mapserver, FWTools, Quantum GIS, gvSIG, uDIG


OpenLayers 2.7 Released

With all of the FOSS releases lately and those coming this month (Django 1.0, OpenOffice 3.0, Ubuntu 8.10), I hardly know what to do with myself. But I just ran across this one on Slashgeo, and I think it deserves some s


OpenLayers Architect

While skulking about in Google Reader I ran across A handy tool for OpenLayers enthusiasts - OpenLayers Architect in Vish’s ramblings. OpenLayers Architect is basically a GUI that generates OpenLayers JavaScript and CSS


Creating Virtual Appliances with Ubuntu JeOS Part II

Gads! When I posted my previous bit on the virtual GIS appliance I made for a emergency response project, it generated a lot more interest than I had anticipated.* After being battered about by a couple of conferences, I