Scientific Web Design

If you have to design a web site from time to time, check out Scientific Web Design: 23 Actionable Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies. An eye tracker is a device for measuring eye positions and eye movements, often used i


Using the USNG - The Web

Now presenting part du of our USNG series - using USNG on our web site. First, let’s review our minimum requirements for our USNG-supporting application: Locate and zoom to a USNG location (user input). Display


Spatially Enabling a Table in PostGIS

I recently had a situation where a customer had a table with XY coordinates and I needed to make it spatially aware in PostgreSQL/PostGIS. The moving the data around bit is rather droll so I’ll skip it, but the spatially


Geodatabase Designer and ArcGIS Diagrammer

I was able to get out to the 2007 North Carolina ArcGIS (when did it change from ArcInfo?) User’s Group meeting at Carolina Beach this year. First, for those who didn’t attend, here’s the view from my hotel room balcony:


A Quick Visitor Map with Maps.Amung.Us

You might have noticed a little flash map on the right hand side of the page. has a neat little flash gadget that not only shows you a map of visitor locations, but it also records some basic web stats for


Using the USNG - ArcMap

First let’s describe what “Using the USNG” means. What do our applications need to be able to do to support USNG? Here’s a pretty good list: Locate and zoom to a USNG location (user input). Display USNG locati


In The Database or In The App?

I recently came across an interesting post on High Scalability. It talks about the architecture of one of my favorite tech (and other) news sites, Digg. Digg is a monster. It has ~1.2 million users and does ~200 millio


Raster in the Database

There’s an interesting question posted on the All Points Blog: If I want to use image pyramids to speed data distribution at different scales, should I consider storage in a spatial database? Is that how most pyramids ar


The US National GRID (USNG)

Lately I’ve been hearing more and more about the US National Grid (USNG), particularly where it relates to emergency response. We’re working on a project with a 13-county emergency response group and we’ll need to inco


Experimenting with Firebug

Guest Blogger: This entry is provided by Matt Crisp of Mecklenburg County GIS. If you are wondering why this blog post is of a higher quality than most of the drivel you read here, Matt is significantly smarter than I