Getting Rid of Internet Explorer’s Image Toolbar

Ah, Internet Explorer. How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways.#437 Image ToolbarThe Image Toolbar is the handy toolbar that pops up whenever your mouse hovers over an image, asking if you want to save, print, res


Service Oriented Architecture - Overview

A big buzz word (phrase rather) has been floating around for a bit, and as the division I work in is rapidly moving toward it, I thought I’d give it a brief overview. That buzz word/phrase is: service oriented architec


Minimize Memory Usage in Firefox

This is a tip I picked up on digg. For those Firefox users among you - which I hope is just about everyone - you’ve probably noticed Firefox starts snarfing lots of RAM over time. If you’re sitting on a decrepit machin


Creating a Web Service for RouteMapIMS

I have some projects coming up that need to do routing. And not the nice point-to-point routing either. We’re talking the infamous traveling salesman problem I talked about and wrote code for earlier. This is the kind


A Mapping Site in 19 Lines of Code

In another article this month we looked at the relatively easy steps to get MapServer installed on Windows/IIS. Now let’s take it a step further and make a map, complete with panning and zooming. PHP/Mapscript makes th


ArcIMS vs. MapServer - Some Hard Data

Here is some information I found on a list serve comparing simple map generation performance for ArcIMS and MapServer. Although I can’t rerun their test to validate the results, I can anecdotally support them - I have c


Installing PHP and Mapserver on Windows/IIS

Most of you have figured out by now the PC is an open source proponent. I’m not a blind zealot, however, and here’s a valid criticism of the genre - installing open source software can be a real drag.For one thing, many


Helping the Traveling Salesman with RouteMapIMS

The traveling salesman problem is an old one in mathematics. The problem itself is simple: given a collection of stops and the cost of travel between each pair of them, the traveling salesman problem, or TSP for short,


Connecting to PostgreSQL/PostGIS from .NET

Another developer on the team had a need to project coordinates in decimal degrees to state plane on the fly (i.e. all we had was a pair of coordinates). As ArcIMS was totally dissatisfied with the idea, I suggested usi


Address Information Center Now Displays Traffic Incidents

Address Information Center now pulls a RSS feed from Yahoo! to show traffic problems on the map. As RSS is basically an XML feed, it’s fairly easy to parse, and MapServer can project digital degrees on the fly. It now