Internet Explorer Unsafe for 284 Days in 2006

An interesting study done by Security Fix indicates that using Internet Explorer was “unsafe” for 284 days in 2006. They defined unsafe as having unpatched “critical” level security flaws with published exploits on how


Java Goes Open Source

This one has been a while in the making. In the if-you-can’t-beat-‘em category, Sun Microsystems has been slowly embracing open source for quite a while now.They have long supported OpenOffice, the open source office su


ArcGIS 9.2 Service Pack 1 Out

In the dang-I-should-have-waited-on-installing-that department, ESRI has released service pack 1 for ArcGIS 9.2. This includes service packs for pretty much everything - ArcView, ArcInfo, ArcEditor, ArcIMS, ArcSDE, ArcG


Google Maps Adds Multiple Destination Support

Google Maps has added support for multiple destinations! No more limitation to point-to-point routing. If you want to see the World’s Largest Ball of Twine on the way to the Grand Canyon, Google Maps can point the way.


MapServer 4.10 Available

MapServer 4.10 has been released! This is a fairly significant release with a lot of new features and fixes. You can see a list of all the changes on the 4.10 change log. One of the most useful ones for me is adding


Microsoft Embraces PHP

In the if-you-can’t-beat-‘em category, Microsoft and Zend (creator of the PHP engine and a big corporate sponsor) have announced “a technical collaboration agreement……that aims to provide customers running PHP on the Win


Citizens in Britain Take Back Their Data

I while ago I ran in to this story about a group suing Santa Clara County, CA for charging huge fees to access its GIS data. The fees could grow in to six figures for the entire county.For Santa Clara’s part, they claim


ArcGIS 9.2 Uses GDAL for Raster Support

I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned the GDAL (pronounced “gee-del” I think) project here. It’s an open source translator library for raster geospatial data formats that a lot of open source projects, such as MapServer, us


Software Project Management at Google

Recently I ran across a good article on project management. See if the author’s description of typical project management sounds familiar:Hire a bunch of engineers, then hire more.Dream up a project.Set a date for when


IDC Finds 71% of Developers Use Open Source

This is a study I mentioned during a presentation at the 2006 Carolina URISA/GITA meeting, so I thought I’d post some additional details here.The IDC surveyed over 5000 developers from 117 different countries and found o